There are a series of prerequisites and software/hardware recommendations needed to get started. These help insure that if any problems arise, you will likely have most of the dependencies needed to fix them quickly.
The prerequisites are as follows:
- NVM and N
- The Angular CLI
- The latest version of go
- Docker Engine and Compose
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or higher OS
- The latest version of git (Optional)
- The latest version of NPM and Node v12.04+
- At least 1 gig of RAM abnd 5 gigs of free disk space.
Optionally, you can also install the Sublime text editor to your computer and if you are looking into a go IDE, you may want to consider GoLand.
Even if you aren’t going to use all these tools, it is recommended that you have them in the future (especially if you plan on running or mantaining a mining pool). This list doesn’t include the repos or other pre-reqs that we will be downloading directly (which we will get to). The correct order for tool installation is: 8, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 4, 3.